Giving back

Looking back at my photography journey is interesting to me. When I first picked up my camera, I never had any intention of becoming a professional, paid photographer. I truly just wanted to take better photos of my children. I wanted to document meaningful memories. 

My first few "sessions" were pro-bono for causes close to my heart and giving back to my community and friends is still an important part of why I love photography.

I have donated mini sessions to help build a playground in our town and to support a friend's fundraising for the Alzheimer's Association, volunteered at our local middle school's annual play, donated sessions to PTO fundraisers, documented events for a local nonprofit, been the volunteer photographer at The Alzheimer's Associations Walk to End Alz, and am a volunteer photographer and digital retouch artist with Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. These types of photography sessions are some of my favorite because I can feel the impact of my skillset on the recipients of these photos.

If you are part of a 501C3 nonprofit or have other charitable causes that require fundraising or event coverage, please reach out for package options. I also have special rates for end-of-life sessions (human or pet) or other sensitive sessions.